Monday, April 21, 2008

What a glorious weekend!

I had one of the best weekends of my life in a long time. It was Stake Conference for our stake out here in Minnesota and we had the privilege of having Elder David A. Bednar and Elder Kent D. Watson of the Seventy attend. What a wonderful men they are! You can tell how much they both love the church and all the members. We were taught some amazing things and shared amazing moments together. I was able to attend the adult session since I am 19 and considered an adult at church! I was then able to go to the youth session where Elder Bednar and Elder Watson held a Q & A for the youth. Man are the youth of my stake amazing! They had such remarkable questions that they asked and got some amazing answers. To top this weekend off we had a 71 degree day!! And it's continuing on into today. Life couldn't get any better :)

I leave for Utah on Thursday morning and I am so excited I can't even tell you! I am so ready to get out of Minnesota for a little break and to be around people that are my own age for once. Don't get me wrong I've loved being home it's just that I need people my own age to be with for a little while. But this is the big trip where I fly to Utah for a few days and then off to Texas for Brittany's wedding!! I can't believe she's getting married so soon! I was able to get my bridesmaids dress made and so that's a huge thing I got checked of my list. Now I just have to get a present...ohh man Bee I don't know what to get you! I also am in my last week at Boom Island :( I am very sad that it's ending but I have loved being able to work here and learn as much as I have learned! It's been a great experience filled with great people and it's too bad that it's coming to a close. But on the bright side now I am going to have time to finish putting together my room and reading all the books that I have yet to read!! So I am ready and excited for that. Hope everyone is well! See you next time :)


Anonymous said...

Wow, so much is happening for you this week! I'm out of the loop, I didn't know you were going to Utah & Brittany was getting married this week, I will definately call you tonight!!! I need to hear the scoop! Flem said Elder Bedner was amazing. Miss you tons!