Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I've been tagged...

I have finally been tagged to do one of these things and so here are my answers!

A-attached or single: single and hopefully for awhile...I've still got lots to do!

B-best friend: My parents, my sisters (well...getting there), and My Florida girls! And a few choice others. (I had a hard time picking just one. You can't pick just one for this question!)

C-cake or pie: Hot Apple Pie :)

D-day of choice: of right now Tuesdays. All my favorite shows are on that day!

E-essential item: Chapstick

F-favorite color: Pink

G-gummie worms or bears: Either.

H-hometown: Maple Grove, Minnesota

I-indulgences: Shopping Online! (Oh Lindy you and I are the same!! We can never resist a good deal online!)

J-January or July: July by far!

K-kids: none.

L-life is incomplete without: Many things, but mostly my family and friends.

M-marriage date: Hmmm I'm going to predict mine since it hasn't happened yet....October 9th, 2010! Let's see if that actually comes true!

N- Number of Siblings: 3 sisters--Maren, Shelby and Dayna

O-oranges or apples: apples, but I love oranges too!

P-phobias or fears: car accidents...they give me the chills.

Q-quote: "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not." D&C 6:36

R-reason to smile: All the many things in life that have happened, are happening, and are to happen!

S-season: Fall. I love the changing of the leaves. It makes great pictures!!

T-Tags: Kristi Aase and Brittany Dethloff.

U-unknown fact about me: I have a new found love for Jane Austen. I know that's not really an unknown fact but since no one really knows then I figured that might work? haha.

V-vegetable: Green Peppers

W- Worst Habit: getting to bed's something I REALLY need to work on come June and July...if not EFY will kill me!

X-Ray or ultrasound: Well I've only had an x-ray so I am going to have to say that.

Y-your favorite food: Oh too hard...can I say everything? Ok I'll just round it down...Cafe Rio Chicken Salad! Haha.

Z-Zodiac sign: Virgo.


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