Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Yay Me!

So I finally got up enough guts to get my hair cut really short. I have NEVER had it this short before but I was just getting SO stinkin sick of my long hair (even though my mom will probably cry over the fact that it's gone now...) but it just wouldn't do anything and I know that part of the reason is because I'm style-dumb or whatever it is you want to call it. So I went in today and I was so nervous! Haha. But Ann (my hair dresser) cut off my pony tail and BAM instant short hair, there was no turning back! So far I am loving it and I can't wait to play around with it and see what I can do. I didn't get it blow dried with a round brush today so hopefully I'll get a little more "bounce" and volume when I do that.
Here's before:

and after:

and here's the lovely pony tail that I hope to donate seeing that it's over 8 inches! I'm planning on sending it into Beautiful Lengths. But here it is:

Well that's about it for this post. I hope you enjoy the before and after pictures. I tried to get some good ones but then again who likes pictures of themselves? Not me that's for sure...toot-a-loo for now!


Hillary said...

Cute Haircut!! I am thinking I need a change too... but I don't know if I have the guts to cut it. I am such a plain Jane. :)

Thanks for the comment on our blog... I had forgotten that you had a blog! Sorry! But now I added you to our list and I will always check on you now! Yay! :)

Hope you are doing good! Say hi to everyone for us...

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your hair!! You are so lucky because I always thought your hair was darling long so now you can certainly wear it long or short. Miss you!

Lindy and Ryan said...

Cute Hair!!!!! Yeah, the online shopping gets me. Whenever I sm doing so well with not going shopping, the second I get online and look at my favorite stores, my record is gone. Online shopping is the death of me. Especially the ones that keep your credit card on file!!! Beware!!! talk to you later.. p.s Do you get to come to the beach???? I just got approved from work to come!!!


Paige said...

Lindy- I just bought some stuff from Shade...haha. I haven't gotten anything from there in so long and all the new stuff coming in is so cute! But I went to the clearance and couldn't resist! Also, I am coming to the beach!!! I am so excited! 2 years is way too long to be away from everyone and the beautiful rays of sunny California. I want to come and see where you live tho too!