Friday, April 4, 2008

Last night we had the fabulous opportunity to go and see the theater production of High School Musical. It was FANTASTIC! Dad gave Me, Mom, Maren, Shelby and Dayna tickets for Valentine's Day this year, which we were so surprised and excited since we thought it was all sold out. So after a full day of nannying for me, we went out to T.G.I.F. and had a good dinner and then left for the State Theater downtown. We were able to get awesome parking and were able to get in our seats with 15 minutes to spare. As the show started Dayna leaned over to me and excitedly said "I can't believe this is actually happening!" The show was SO cute and I am so grateful to my dad for pulling some strings and getting us those tickets. The other fabulous thing that happened yesterday was the fact that we reached 58 degrees!!! WOOOO!!! Spring is finally here and I am so happy that the snow is melting and that I don't have to layer up anymore. Today was yet another beautiful day. Here's a picture proving once again that it was a warm day.

My mom and I went to the Art Fair held twice a year here in Minnesota. It was at Canterbury Park. There was 5 HUGE areas of all sorts of booths ranging from frames of pictures to stars to blankets. Man you name it. But...the best part of the whole day was the fact that we couldn't find our car when it was time to leave! It took us about 45 min to walk around this huge parking lot until we finally found it. It was ridiculous! I was also joking when I said it was the best part of the day. Well here are some more pictures from the festivities last night. Enjoy!