Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Utah, Texas and a Proposal...

Well I am back and finally able to write about my fabulous trip! I was so good
to get away for a bit and spend some time with my Florida girls and then the
Texas girls. I don't even know where to begin with Utah but I will give you a
short version of everything that happened. Well arrived in Thursday morning and
there was already plenty for us all to do! I met up with some of the other
girls and the oh so scrumptious Cafe Rio and had lunch. I got to see Kate and
Peter before they left for Kansas City for the summer, we all went to a really
nice breakfast place in our pajams and no makeup during UVSC's graduation rush
might I add...I got to go to a UVSC graduation for my friend Laura's sister. I
went country dancing and hiked the Y. We went to Chili's (our favorite and it's
a Florida girls tradition that whenever we're all together we go...even though
not everyone was there this time :( ), I watched Juno 3 times haha, had a picnic
with Sarah, I was able to see lots of mom's side of the family where we were surprised by both Lindy and Kelsey when they told us they were BOTH pregnant!!! So exciting. I also got to see my Dad's parents. But one of the best things that I got to help in was with Laura's sisters proposal! We went up into the mountains and rode horses that belonged to a friend of there's and while the proposal was happening we rushed back to Laura's and whipped up dinner for them! It was so fun and I was glad I could help out in such a wonderful thing. I loved being in Utah and I can't wait to go back in less than a month. I was only there for 5 days and by the end I was so tired! Those girls kept me very, very busy! Here are some of the many, many pictures taken while I was in Utah:

Well it was then on to Texas to fulfill my bridesmaid duty to Brittany. It was
so fun to see her and to help her and her family out with cutting up food,
helping with bridals, running errands, tying bows, filling food trays and so
much more! I loved every minute I was there (well besides the unfortunate drama that surfaced from somewhere else...). It was crazy to see my friend get
married to such a wonderful guy! I was there from the very beginning and they
are more perfect for each other than I could've ever imagined. They are going
to have such an amazing life together and I can't wait to hear about it all!
Haha. But the day of the wedding was so fun! I was so grateful that I was able
to be there to help and support her and her family through everything. I loved
Brittany's family too! I felt right at home as soon as I walked into the door.
Her parents are the nicest people I have ever met and her siblings are hilarious
and crazy! I was so glad to finally get home though. I missed my family a lot and I was tired of traveling! Plus I realized how much I love my car!! Well here a once again just a few of the many pictures taken in Texas:

Hope you all enjoyed! Until next time...


Unknown said...

I loved hearing about your wonderful adventure! I'm curious what the big drama was so I must call you for details.