Wednesday, May 28, 2008

New Camera!!

Well I'm a little late at posting this but that's life for you. I finally caved and bought the camera of my dreams! The Canon Rebel XTi. There was a great deal through Best Buy for the camera, a case with an extra battery, and then a zoom lens that is not cheap. I went back and forth for like a day and finally decided that it's been years that I've been wanting this camera and I am in a place, money wise, that I can afford to get it. Thanks to Best Buy I now get to pay month to month, which I did for my other camera and loved it! Plus, it's intrest free! WHHOOOPPIIEEE!! So I have LOVED the camera so far. I haven't had too many opportunities to use it yet. I was able to get some pictures from Dayna's dance rehearsal, Maren's band concert and then just random other pictures. I can't wait to get to school and have actual assignments of things to take again. I loved having that.

Life has been good but hectic here! I have been busy planning all my EFY nightly devotionals and it's been going really well. I've been given the topics along with other resources for each night and so far there's been so much that I want to share that I have to cram into a 20 min devotional! I have about a week left until I leave and I was finally able to get my room out together. I've only been home for 5 months and it took me that long to get everything done! I have also been reading the Twilight series again. I started Twilight last summer while I was in Utah and then wasn't able to keep reading them since I started school and I never have time to read anything on the side. So I am almost done with New Moon and it has been quite a ride! I have stayed up reading until almost 2 am the past few nights reading. Last night I finally had to put my book mark in and close my book and make myself go to sleep! But they are very good books and I highly recommend everyone reads them!
I've been spending a lot of time with one of my best friends Bart. Yes it's the same Bart that I dated back in high school for those of you that know my dating life. Bart is leaving on his mission to Houston, Texas in 2 weeks from today and so we've been cramming in as many Twins games/movies/NBS playoff games/puzzles as much as we can! It's been fun spending time with him this past month. I've been able to see him grow so much and I can tell that he's going to be a great missionary! The people of Texas don't know what they're getting!

Well here are just a few of the pictures I have taken with my fantastic camera. Hope you all enjoy!


Unknown said... Bart, huh? I'd love to hear the details! I will miss not seeing you in a couple of weeks, so sorry!

Paige said...

haha yes Bart. You are so sill Laura!! I will miss not seeing you too. But you are going to have fun being here with everyone. I'll have to fill you in sometime soon. It's not really what you're thinking...haha