Friday, October 12, 2007

counting down the days!

Hey family-
This is a great idea to be able to keep in touch! So everyone needs to start sharing all their stories...Abby has a few good we all stay connected! We spent all of conference weekend at home organizing the office to make room for the changing table, glider & small dresser. It's going to be a multifuntioning room with the computer/baby room & Steve's closet all in one. The baby will actually be sleeping in our room for a couple of months but we needed a place to feed & change her at night without going into Regan's room & possibly wake her up. The best part about this change is that Steve actually went through ALL of his wardrobe & literally is getting rid of HALF...YES 1/2 of all his clothes!!! This is HUGE! Come on, we all know how large Steve's wardrobe is! From the first day I met him over 10 years ago, he has always had more clothes than I and Eddie Bauer certainly made things more out of control (all great deals I have to say) so now for the first time in all the years I've known him he can fit all of his clothes into one closet (minus sweaters which are in the armore)! I even took a picture to prove it.

A week from Monday, Oct. 22nd, sometime around 1:30 pm will be the c-section. We are getting very excited to finally welcome our new little girl. We ask Regan where is mommy's baby & she'll come over to my stomach & lift up my shirt to pat my rather large belly. I think we've narrowed it down to 2 names but that could change. Probably our 1st choice is Eliza Ann Aase & also Avery Ann Aase. My mom's middle name is Ann.

Here are some pics from the zoo today. It was fun but I'm definately worn out.
Love you all!